Friday, August 27, 2010

Wax People and Oil Paintings


Sorry about the delay in the post but you will get a double helping today :D

We started off yesterday with a little bit of a sleep in. it was still raining a little bit but within about 30 mins we made it down to Madame Tussuad's wax museum. We got into yet another line up and although it seemed to drag on it turns out that the line that we were in was actually the FAST line. the other option was the 4 hour line up that regular people had to take (thank god we bought tickets in advance)

We got in and immediately were greeted by a loud and annoying guy who seemed to work the door and it also seemed that his sole job was to hassle people coming into the museum. Very Strange. He even came into the mens room and yelled at me for taking too long. once inside the museum we started checking out the sculptures. some were really cool, some were less then perfect. the place was PACKED with people and it was very hard to get a decent picture. but we got a couple.

Heres me and Johnny Depp one of the first that we managed to get a picture of. Apparently people were lined up to take pics with this one and I jumped the line. I didn't realize there was a line until it was too late and some lady was all "thats not how you que!" I felt bad.

here are some more pics from the first room.

this next one is for Juliane :P

 some of them did not look very realistic "I dont look anything like John Travolta ohmaigahd"

 And some more.... :D

 me looking creeped out by Julia Roberts and Jasmine With Marilyn :D

Me with Super Man, James Bond "BUCKFUTTER" and the Terminator

 Jasmine and Audry Hepburn

Me and the Beatles, on a side note, JUST as we got the the Beatles the Digital camera battery died so this was shot on film.

Jasmine looking unimpressed by the Princes of England

There are a bunch more pictures. Once we finished the tour though the museum we made our way back home and unwound a little bit then decided to go and see this really fun and cool movie. we both liked it a lot probably because we are both so nerdy and also because it takes place in Toronto and there's a lot of Canadian references in it so that was fun. Pizza Pizza FTW

after the movie we went to a local burger joint that was a lot like "The Works" in Ottawa but a little different. VERY tasty and super big (Jasmine had a little trouble with hers)

That was the end of out day we went to bed a both had WEIRD dreams until this morning... or should I say afternoon.

 We woke up a little late and decided to make ourselves some proper breakfast we both had scrambled eggs and croissants and I had some bacon which is twice as wide here (I'm not complaining just observing) after breakfast we decided to head downtown to SOHO and try and find me a copy of the new MEW album on vinyl. with no luck.

After the failed music shop shopping we went to a comic book store and bought a few souvenirs for our friends and family and made our way to the National Gallery.

we got a little turned around and ended up on a bridge about 10 city blocks from our destination. we were not in any kind of rush so it was ok we just had to walk a lot :P

once we made it to the museum everything was ok. we got in and saw paintings from people like Van Gough, Renoir, Cezan, Monet and a BUNCH more. Really Amazing stuff that picture would do NO justice to. I didn't take any pictures inside the museum mostly out of respect but also because I know the flash damages the paint.

After the gallery we went home and made some dinner. We didn't do a lot today but the things we did do were totally fun and amazing.

Tomorrow we are headed to Stone Henge and Windsor Castle I have to get some sleep now because we have to wake up in 5 hours. Jasmine has been asleep for a while now.

until then Hope all is well in Canada.

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