Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lots of walking and A little History

Day two of the trip.

I had set my alarm to wake us up at 8:30 so we could get an early start on the day. Like my non-vacation life the snooze button was pressed until I felt like waking up. Who cares we are on vacation, we are allowed to sleep in. We gnoshed on some bread and some cheese before we got ready and headed out into the city for a little exploring. about half way down Old Bromton Rd it started raining and we went back to the flat for an umbrella. The weather could not decide what it wanted to do until about 2pm so it was a good move to grab the umbrella. We walked toward Kensington Park Which as far as I can tell is a slightly smaller version of Central park but british.

After a long amount of walking and some on and off rain. taking pictures and videos all along we finally came to Abby Road :D

I was uber excited and there were a lot of people there. It occurred to me: I wonder if there has been a day since that picture was taken where there were not people at Abby Road going gaga just because the Beatles walked across one day in September 1969. I sort of felt sorry for the buses and cars that frequent that stretch of road because traffic was obstructed at least 10 times while we were there and we were only there for like 15 or 20 mins.

We tried to get closer so that I could get a picture of myself on the steps of Abby Road Studio but I got yelled at by a studio worker guy. so we left and had coffee instead.

After the coffee and a quick stop at a Beatles Garage sale-of-sorts we made our way to the Underground and headed to the most interesting part of our day. The Masonic Hall.

We made it in time for the last tour of the day and we were lucky. To say the building is beautiful is an understatement. A giant temple in the middle of the city it was something to behold. Jasmine was all a flutter while we were taken into the Temple of the Lodge. Giant cast-bronze doors weighing 2 tons each and a ceiling mosaic that would drive someone insane if they tried to comprehend the work involved accented only with the whit and charm of our elderly tour guide. We got to look at all the artifacts and library that are available to the public to look at and Jasmine grabbed a souvenir at the gift shop. Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures in the hall so we only have this google images image to show you the inside. I also took a picture of Jasmine outside of the hall but I used my film camera so you will have to WAIT... god. you think EVERYTHING is instant?!?

Just Jokin. Here's a picture from Google of the inside of the hall. and it does NO justice to the real beauty.

We made our way home and did a little grocery shopping.
On a side note if you are ever here don't mess with the public transit in London unless you want to relive a scene from The Borne Identity.  check this out...


We had pasta for dinner and I FAILED hard because I accidentally grabbed sauce with little chunks of sausage in it. but Jasmine was a trooper and just picked around it.

We are going on the hop on hop off tour tomorrow so until then have a good time in Canada.... I miss good Canadian beer.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome start to a surely wicked trip. Are you going to edit out the cigarette from your Abbey Road pic? LOL

    If you brought your cell, use that to snap covert pics - just turn the flash off. That's one thing I regret from Egypt, cuz so many places were no-photos, but once you got inside the rules were pretty lax. Forbidden photos = awesomeness once you're back.

    I heard they serve the beer warm over there. I think you should investigate, then argue with the locals about the superiority of Canaidan suds. When the brawls ensues, insult Manchester United, snap some pics and run.

    Hope to see Westminster on your blog. I'll be watching!

