Monday, August 30, 2010

Stonehenge and the Castle

Sorry about the late update everyone.

We woke up early the other day and headed straight for the marriot hotel to meet our tour bus. It was a lot easier this time because we knew where we were going. with a little time on our hands Jasmine was able to get a coffee :D

After a little confusion with WHO exactly our tour guide was we made our way on the bus toward Windsor Castle. The Queens ACTUAL house (Buckingham Palace is just her office apparently)

The castle is HUGE and there is only about 2 hours to look around so the whole thing seemed a little rushed. we saw the queens doll house and the artifacts and some suits of armour and the meeting rooms of the king and what not. unfortunately we were not allowed to take any pictures in the castle so it was kind of a bust in that sense.

having no cameras allowed kind of makes it hard to show everyone how cool everything was but you'll just have to take our word for it :P

After grabbing a bag full of pastries and a bottle of diet coke and a water it was back on the bus to head to the city of Bath which I thought was the most beautiful city I've ever seen, it was all old timey and stuff. There we saw the roman baths which was interesting enough but it was not the highlight of the tour.

the whole bath is fed by a hot spring which according to legend cured a kings leprosy. he was the one who turned it into an actual bath.

we left the bath a little early and I was feeling hungry so I grabbed a pizza. I thought it was going to be a small pizza but it was quite large. I still managed to eat it in just under 10 mins. I really was that hungry.

we saw these people doing a statue street performance. be ready to tilt your head to the left

very cool city and very dependent on the local tourism, I think it would be a nice place to live if you were on the edge of town or up the hill a little bit.

After Bath we got back on the bus again and drove for about another hour until we came to the part that Jasmine and I were both looking forward to the most.

We enjoyed the splendor of Stonehenge for about an hour and then headed back to the gift shop area where I wanted to buy a souvenir but it was a little too expensive for what it was so I passed. it was basically a plastic model of the area and it was like 16 pounds

We had a really good time but it was a really long day with lots of driving and waiting. I would recommend maybe taking a day for each of the three parts of the tour so you can really soak it in.

1 comment:

  1. looks like a sweet day! i like the pic of you two in front of Stonehenge!
